Solutions that restore trust and move forward with positive momentum
Workplace Assessment Practice Group
Whether there are a multitude of grievances in a department, retention issues, or the gossip and negative rumblings that can be part of a workplace’s informal communication system, there is an opportunity to find out what is happening before it reaches the claim, complaint, or resignation stage.
Southern Butler Price conducts workplace assessments (also known as environmental scans or climate audits) to assist employers in obtaining information from their employees in a confidential, efficient, and neutral process that helps address employee challenges in a proactive and supportive way. We employ tools that help communicate outcomes while respecting privacy, all with a view of supporting positive change.

Our Approach
SBP’s approach to workplace assessments focuses on information gathering steps so we can analyze the problem from various angles.
We work with the client to understand the scope of the assessment and then design the assessment and its corresponding communication plan
We put in place a structure that encourages participation and open dialogue while ensuring confidentiality is maintained
To better understand the issues at play, we conduct an initial assessment that involves one-on-one interviews with select employees, such as those considered key to the assessment, with the option of a survey being conducted
We then interview more employees to obtain their input on areas of inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement
We undertake a document review of relevant policies, procedures, and statutes, as well as a review of terms of reference, recent workplace assessments, investigation reports, and/or statistical information that are applicable and accessible
We analyze and summarize into themes the information gathered
We write a report of observations and recommendations
Following the client’s direction, we communicate the results, tailoring each message to the audience receiving it
Our Assessors