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Lancaster House panel: Supporting Complainants, Addressing Root Causes: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Workplace Violence, Harassment, and Bullying
SBP Lawyer Nadja Rence spoke on a Lancaster House webinar panel on Thursday, March 13 on the topic: Supporting Complainants, Addressing Root Causes: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Workplace Violence, Harassment, and Bullying.

Southern Butler Price Welcomes Former Premier Rachel Notley
Southern Butler Price LLP is delighted to announce that former Premier Rachel Notley has joined the firm effective January 2025. Ms. Notley brings a wealth of experience in leadership, governance, and conflict resolution to SBP, reinforcing the firm's commitment to accountability, fairness, and respect.

CBABC Panel: Freedom of Expression and Off-duty Conduct
SBP Lawyer Reut Amit presented at an event for the Canadian Bar Association on November 21. Reut and co-presenter Adrienne Smith of Adrienne Smith Law addressed a misapprehension about the scope of freedom of expression and highlight recent case law about the employment implications of expression both on and off duty.

Lancaster House Vancouver Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference
SBP Lawyer David Louie speak on a panel on November 21 for the Lancaster House Vancouver Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference.

BCPSEA Fall Conference 2024
Lisa spoke at the BCPSEA Fall Conference on November 7, 2024. Her presentation was entitled, “Mind the Gap! Identifying Systemic Opportunities to Move from Reaction to Capacity in K-12”.

BCCAT Annual Conference
SBP lawyers Tonie Beharrell and Neelu Chauhan spoke at the BCCAT Annual Conference on November 5.

BCCAT Annual Conference
SBP lawyers Tonie Beharrell and Neelu Chauhan spoke at the BCCAT Annual Conference on November 5.

June edition of BarTalk: “Increase Longevity and Joy in the Practice of Mediation”
SBP Lawyers, Yuki Matsuno and Shelina Neallani, wrote an article for the June edition of BarTalk magazine, titled “Increase Longevity and Joy in the Practice of Mediation”.

June edition of BarTalk: “Increase Longevity and Joy in the Practice of Mediation”
SBP Lawyers, Yuki Matsuno and Shelina Neallani, wrote an article for the June edition of BarTalk magazine, titled “Increase Longevity and Joy in the Practice of Mediation”.

Lancaster House: Calgary Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference “Is it Harassment or Not?”
SBP Lawyer, Kait Carey, will be presenting at the Calgary Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference, hosted by Lancaster House on June 14.

CACE Future Leaders Conference: “Cracking the Code: Delving into Intriguing Workplace Investigation Issues”
SBP Partner, Jennifer Hawkins, will be co-presenting at the CACE Future Leaders Conference on May 4.

CLEBC Employment Law Conference 2024: “Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Implications for Employment Lawyers”.
SBP Lawyers Andi Sheasby and Tonie Beharrell will be presenting at the CLEBC Employment Law Conference 2024 on May 3, “Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Implications for Employment Lawyers”.

CLEBC Employment Law Conference 2024: “Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Implications for Employment Lawyers”.
SBP Lawyers Andi Sheasby and Tonie Beharrell will be presenting at the CLEBC Employment Law Conference 2024 on May 3, “Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Implications for Employment Lawyers”.

CPHR Annual Conference: “Invisible Disabilities”: Accommodating Mental Illness in the Workplace
Debra Rusnak, SBP Lawyer, will be presenting at the CPHR Annual Conference on May 1, “Invisible Disabilities”: Accommodating Mental Illness in the Workplace.

CBA Workplace Investigation Subsection: Evidentiary & Ethical Issues in Workplace Investigations
SBP Partner, Nicole Price, will participate on a panel on April 24 for the CBA Workplace Investigation Subsection: Evidentiary & Ethical Issues in Workplace Investigations.

Lancaster House’s Gender Equity Virtual Conference: Paving the way to inclusive workplaces
SBP Lawyer, Jillian Humphreys, will speak at Lancaster House’s Gender Equity Virtual Conference: Paving the way to inclusive workplaces, on a panel: Silenced or Settled? The implications of using non-disclosure agreements to settle harassment and other workplace disputes on April 17.

Beliefs and Boundaries: Reconciling employee free speech and employer concerns, Vancouver Human Rights and Accommodation Conference
SBP Lawyer, Arvin Asadi will speak at the Vancouver Human Rights and Accommodation Conference hosted by Lancaster on April 4, on “Beliefs and Boundaries: Reconciling employee free speech and employer concerns”.

Lancaster House Vancouver Human Rights and Accommodation Conference 2024 pre conference workshop: Before and After the Investigation: Preventing Conflict, Restoring Relationships.
SBP Lawyer, Shelina Neallani, will be speaking on a panel on April 3 at the Lancaster House Vancouver Human Rights and Accommodation Conference 2024 pre conference workshop: Before and After the Investigation: Preventing Conflict, Restoring Relationships.

Lancaster House panel “Making a Fair Assessment Evaluating credibility from an EDI perspective”
SBP Lawyer, Tonie Beharrell will be speaking on a Lancaster House panel on March 14, titled “Making a Fair Assessment: Evaluating credibility from an EDI perspective”, where she examined how stereotypes, bias, and other equity, diversity, and inclusion considerations can influence assessments of credibility during grievance procedures, in investigations, and at arbitration.

CBA, BC Branch Workplace Investigations Section Meeting on Credibility Assessment
SBP Partner, Lisa Southern, will be presenting at the Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch Workplace Investigations Section Meeting, on March 7, on the topic of Credibility Assessment which will cover legal and practical tips for investigations and a review of recent case law.

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