Sarah Lumsden | Barrister & Solicitor
Called to the Bar
British Columbia Bar: 2017
Appointed by the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner as Independent Investigation/Assessor member in 2022
Sarah Lumsden is a lawyer and investigator with experience as a labour and employment lawyer and human resources leader. After obtaining a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Winnipeg, Sarah moved to Vancouver to attend law school at the University of British Columbia. She received her Juris Doctor in 2016 and was called to the British Columbia Bar in 2017 after articling at a large international law firm.
Sarah is a member of the Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch. She is a committee member on Ballet BC’s Up Committee, which is dedicated to bringing young philanthropic patrons to the ballet. She is also a proud Metis woman from Treaty One Territory.
Sarah completed a Mediation and Conflict Management course from Harvard Law School Executive Education in 2022.
Throughout her career, Sarah has worked in both the private and public sectors.
She has advised clients on employee and labour relations matters; represented clients in collective bargaining, arbitrations, mediations, human rights tribunal and labour board hearings; and has experience training management. She has investigated issues such as theft, bullying and harassment, sexual misconduct, violence in the workplace, discrimination, and racism.
In addition to conducting investigations and environmental scans, Sarah has experience conducting workplace mediations. She has also delivered workplace training on topics such as bullying and harassment, discrimination, and diversity and inclusion.
Sarah Lumsden works collaboratively with employers, employees, and unions and brings a fair-minded, practical, thoughtful, and creative approach to resolving workplace problems. She has valuable experience as an operational human resources leader. Sarah draws on her experience helping clients navigate complex issues while maintaining positive relationships throughout all of her practice. Through mediation, Sarah has helped employers, employees, and leaders effectively resolve and move through conflict in the workplace in a meaningful and lasting way. In 2022, Sarah furthered her mediation skills by successfully completing a Mediation and Conflict Management course from Harvard Law School Executive Education. -
In 2022, Sarah was appointed by the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner as Independent Investigation/Assessor member for the OSIC Investigation Unit and Sport Environment Assessment Unit.
Sarah Lumsden
Southern Butler Price LLP
301 - 1835 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver, BC V7M 2J8