Arvin Asadi | Barrister & Solicitor
Called to the Bar
British Columbia Bar: 2013
Second Language
Arvin Asadi is a lawyer and investigator who brings an objective, practical, and compassionate approach to his work. He has experience practicing in all areas of labour and employment law including human rights, workplace misconduct, performance management, and respectful workplace issues.
Arvin received his law degree from the University of Alberta in 2012 with the Dean’s List designation and clerked for the Honourable Mr. Justice J. Watson at the Alberta Court of Appeal. After articling and practicing criminal law at a boutique criminal defence firm in Vancouver, Arvin transitioned to an in-house position in the health sector in 2015. There, he practiced labour and employment law while navigating six major collective agreements across the province covering more than 138,000 employees.
Arvin was born in Iran, raised in North Vancouver, and is fluent in Farsi as a second language.
Arvin has conducted investigations in both the public and private sectors across many industries with both youth and adults. His approach emphasizes an awareness and sensitivity to each unique workplace environment and the relationships contained therein.
Throughout his career, Arvin has understood the importance of facilitating healthy and effective working relationships between employers, unions, and employees. He has extensive experience representing clients on complex employee and labour relations matters at mediation, arbitration, and collective bargaining. He has also led numerous workplace education and training seminars on a variety of topics including performance management, workplace discipline, and conducting investigations.
Arvin Asadi
Southern Butler Price LLP
301 - 1835 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver, BC V7M 2J8