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CBA, BC Branch Workplace Investigations Section Meeting on Credibility Assessment
SBP Lawyer, Deanna Brummitt, will be presenting at the Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch Workplace Investigations Section Meeting, on March 7, on the topic of Credibility Assessment which will cover legal and practical tips for investigations and a review of recent case law.
Empowering Voices: Matas Law Society
SBP Lawyer, Reut Amit, will be speaking at an International Women’s Day event on March 6 with the Matas Law Group, part of Bna’i Brith Canada. The event is dedicated to honouring the achievements and contributions of women lawyers in championing Jewish causes in Canada.
CLE panel discussion: “Addressing Antisemitism in the Workplace”
SBP Lawyer, Reut Amit, participated, alongside Erin Brandt of PortaLaw, and Abigail Cheung of Harris & Company, in a panel discussion titled “Addressing Antisemitism in the Workplace”.
Conference for the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner’s Investigation and Sport Environment Assessment Members
SBP Partner, SBP Partner, Jennifer Hawkins, will be presenting at the Conference for the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner’s Investigation and Sport Environment Assessment Members on Wednesday, January 31.
GFOABC: Ethics & Leadership: the Political/Administrative Interface Workshop
SBP Lawyer, Deanna Brummitt, will be a presenter at the Government Finance Officers Association of British Columbia Ethics & Leadership: the Political/Administrative Interface workshop on Wednesday, November 22.
CLEBC Human Rights Law Conference: best practices in mediation
SBP Lawyer, Tonie Beharrell, will be presenting at the 2023 Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia Human Rights Law Conference on November 17 on a panel about best practices in mediation.
CLEBC Human Rights Law Conference: best practices in mediation
SBP Lawyer, Reut Amit, will be presenting at the 2023 Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia Human Rights Law Conference on November 17 on a panel about best practices in mediation.
CAPDHHE Panel: Navigating Difficult Issues in Investigations
Sylvie Lang, SBP Lawyer based in our Calgary office, will be presenting at the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment in Higher Education (CAPDHHE) Conference on October 13, 2023.
CACE Panel: Does my client really need (another) Workplace Investigation?
SBP Partner, Jennifer Hawkins, will be speaking on a Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers panel on Thursday, September 21 on the topic: Does my client really need (another) Workplace Investigation?
Lisa Southern is the Vancouver Park Board Integrity Commissioner
On July 4, 2023, Lisa was appointed as the Integrity Commissioner for the Vancouver Park Board.
CBA Panel: Integrating ADR in the Workplace: Upholding Accountability, Fairness and Respect
Reut Amit, will be presenting on a Canadian Bar Association panel on June 28, 2023, on the topic of Integrating ADR in the Workplace: Upholding Accountability, Fairness and Respect.
Local Government Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity
Lisa Southern, SBP Partner and Integrity Commissioner for the City of Vancouver, will be a featured speaker at a panel presentation, Local Government Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity.
CLE BC 2023 Employment Law Conference
Sarah Lumsden will be a speaker at the CLE BC 2023 Employment Law Conference on Thursday, May 4.
Lancaster House Webinar: Disagreement, Conflict, or Harassment? Practical guidance on dealing with workplace disputes
Yuki Matsuno will be moderating a webinar for Lancaster House on Thursday, April 27: Disagreement, Conflict, or Harassment? Practical guidance on dealing with workplace disputes.
Lancaster House Vancouver Human Rights and Accommodation Conference
SBP Lawyer, Tonie Beharrell, with Menachem Freeman and Victoria Merritt, will be speaking at the Lancaster House Vancouver Human Rights and Accommodation Conference.
CBA Women Lawyers Forum (WLF)
SBP Lawyer, Nicole Byres, KC together with Rose Keith KC and Cheryl D'Sa will be speakers at the CBA Women Lawyers Forum (WLF) Education event.
Conférence des arbitres du Québec
SBP Lawyer, Maryse Séguin, will be speaking at the Conférence des arbitres du Québec, an annual event aimed at informing Montreal workplace lawyers and arbitrators of legal developments applicable to their practice.
Reut Amit speaking on a CBA Labour Law Section panel
SBP Lawyer, Reut Amit, will be speaking on a CBA Labour Law Section panel.
Tonie Beharrell joins Register of Arbitrators
Tonie Beharrell on her appointment to the Collective Agreement Arbitration Bureau (CAAB) Register of Arbitrators.
BarTalk: “From Sole Practitioner to Mid-Size Firm in 10 Years”
Lisa Southern wrote an article titled “From Sole Practitioner to Mid-Size Firm in 10 Years”, for the February edition of The Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch’s publication, BarTalk.
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