Michael Oland | Barrister & Solicitor
Called to the Bar
Nova Scotia Bar: 2015
British Columbia Bar: 2016
Michael Oland is a lawyer, mediator, and investigator known for his pragmatic, fair-minded, and direct approach to resolving workplace conflicts.
Michael received his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in his hometown of Halifax, Nova Scotia in 2014. While at law school, Michael demonstrated an early interest in labour and employment law and was awarded the Robert W. Kerr Labour Law Prize for excellence in this area of study.
After articling with Atlantic Canada’s largest full-service law firm, Michael moved to Vancouver where he began working as a labour lawyer in the British Columbia health sector. Michael shifted from the health sector to the broader provincial public sector when he joined the Legal Services Branch of the Ministry of Attorney General where he worked as a lawyer focusing on matters pertaining to labour, employment, human rights, and the regulation of teachers. He was called to the Nova Scotia Bar in 2015 and the British Columbia Bar in 2016.
Throughout his career, Michael has negotiated countless settlements to labour, employment, and human rights disputes while also representing clients at mediations, arbitrations, and in collective bargaining. Michael demonstrated a clear knack for finding the “middle path” in labour and employment disputes.
In addition to Michael’s practice as a workplace investigator and mediator, Michael has worked closely with Lisa Southern, the first appointed Integrity Commissioner for the City of Vancouver, in the development and administration of the Office of the Integrity Commissioner for the city.
Michael has also conducted numerous training sessions on a wide variety of topics including conducting investigations, respectful workplaces, and the rules of evidence.
Michael has received a Mediation and Conflict Management certificate through the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Michael takes great care to consider all of the interests at stake in a workplace conflict, and works towards practical and enduring solutions, in even the most difficult situations.
Michael Oland he/him
Southern Butler Price LLP
301 - 1835 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver, BC V7M 2J8